Thursday night, someone asked a group of noted play-by-play men about the most difficult venues in which to call a game. New York City native Chuck Cooperstein of the Mavericks, the subject of this post’s video interview, reluctantly cited his beloved Madison Square Garden’s subpar sightlines. The Rangers’ Eric Nadel noted that he loved Chicago’s venerable Wrigley Field in general, but not its lilliputian broadcast booth. (He observed that early broadcasters “apparently were very small people.”) Brad Sham from the Cowboys placed Washington, D.C. first. He also named them second, third, and on up through number 32. Sham explained that the visiting radio booth is low and in the corner and he has to call certain distant plays using the monitors in the instant replay booth next door.

In addition to serving as a pick-me-up for Strader and his Stars colleagues, the event also benefited five charities dedicated to serving less-fortunate children. Earlier in the evening, after Sham had described the challenges of having no depth perception when calling a Cowboys-Redskins game, he had added a caveat.
“The one thing you won’t hear us do is complain about it. Because one of the things I think we all understand,” explained the longtime announcer, “Is there’s a line of people three times around the stadium who would do it for free.”
Sham and the rest clearly appreciate what they have. In a night filled with great stories, that message was truly a lasting one.
Rush Olson has spent two decades directing creative efforts for sports teams and broadcasters. He currently creates ad campaigns, television programs, and related creative projects for sports entities through Rush Olson Creative & Sports and FourNine Productions.
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